Partner with us to support foster & adoptive moms!
Anchored in Hope exists to provide foster and adoptive moms with a weekend where they can
Connect to God, other moms and self
Find restoration, refreshment, rest and renewal
Encourage moms in the trenches of foster and adoptive care
Currently our community and our globe are filled with millions of children with no place to call home, without a mom or dad. Local families that have stepped out in faith and brought these children home, for limited time or a lifetime. Parenting children who have been through trauma can take a toll on a family. Our mothers need to recharge, and the retreat has been designed to provide an environment to do so.
On the weekend of February 18-20, Anchored in Hope will host its third annual retreat for local foster and adoptive moms. A small group of moms have set out to provide this weekend for local foster and adoptive moms. We are doing this with little to no resources but a passion to support these moms. We are in need of individual, families, or companies to walk alongside us as we prepare for this weekend. Please review the attached packages and pray about anyway you could support us.
You can view our Hope Sponsor packages right here.
If you would like to volunteer, please send us an email at [email protected]
Donate to help a mom who can't afford registration or to help cover retreat costs.